Big Eyed Flashback Mysis Shrimp SBS

     There is a certain satisfaction that comes from catching big fish on small flies: especially in a tailwater system. But to me there's just as much fun in finding the bruisers looking for something just a bit different, but without necessarily having to sling streamers. The Big Eyed Mysis has enough familiarity for recognition as well as some exaggerated triggers that can make all the difference to an undecided fish. This pattern is also a lot of fun on stillwater, but with the addition of weighted wire wraps or weighted eyes. Have fun tying this little fish catcher and remember tying flies is supposed to include having fun. Thanks for tying along and we'll look for you on the water!

Materials List:
Hook- Daiichi 1150 sz 12
Thread- UniThread 6/0 White
Antennae- Simi Seal Crystal
Eyes- Hareline Black Mono Nymph Eyes
Shellback- Thin Skin Fly Specks Clear/Black
Flash- Saltwater Flashabou Holographic Silver 
Ribbing Wire- Brassie Silver
Body- Simi Seal Crystal
Cement- Loon Hard Head
Step 1: Place the hook in the vise. The Daiichi 1150 has a larger hook gap that will accommodate a number of eyeball options. 
Step 2: Begin your thread on the hook shank and wrap down past the hook barb to a few wraps down the bend.
Step 3:  For the antennae we will tie in a sparse clump of Simi Seal by tying down the material in the middle of the clump and directly on top of the hook shank. Three secure wraps should suffice. 
Step 4:  Before we veil the material, take one thread wrap in front, (toward the hook eye) of the material to be pulled over. Once you've taken the thread wrap you can bring all the Simi Seal facing over the hook bend without losing any fibers. Tie this veiled clump down with a few strong thread wraps and trim the Simi Seal unevenly a length similar to the body length. 
Step 5:  Now we will tie in a strip of Thin Skin that is just wider than the hook eye. Take care to not twist the Thin Skin and to keep it on top of the hook shank and tied all the way back to our antennae tie in. 
Step 6: Leaving a space of roughly one hook eye we will place our eyes on top of the hook shank and securely tie down using figure of eight thread wraps. Leaving that bit of space will ensure an adequate amount of dubbing is in front of the eyes for a proper looking head.
Step 7: Top view after tying in Mono Eyes.
Step 8:  TIme for some bling. Tie in the Flashabou on top of the hook shank just like the Thin Skin. Tying in the flash after the eyes is an added bit of insurance when making sure there is ample area for the dubbing in front of the eyes. And the few extra figure of eight thread wraps it takes to get the flash all the way to the previous tie ins will only strengthen our eyes. 
Step 9:  Now we will tie in a piece of ribbing wire on the near side of the hook. This wire should be tied all the way up to the eye, but not past. Bring your thread up to the hook eye once completed. 
Step 10: For the body we will need our dubbing noodle to be very sparse and very tightly twisted. We will dub from the eye of the hook to the eyes, figure eight a couple wraps around the eye and head and back to the hook eye. This requires a dubbing noodle approximately 5 inches in length. Take your time and apply dubbing as needed to just barely make it back to the hook eye. Be sure the ribbing wire stays in its original position as you dub the body and head.
Step 11: We can now bring our flash over the top of the dubbed body and tie down behind the hook eye with two secure thread wraps. While maintaining thread pressure pull the flash back over itself, tie down with two more thread wraps and trim the excess. Pulling back the flash in this manner will prevent it from slipping out of the thread wraps and also from shifting while we finish the fly.
Step 12: Pull the Thin Skin shellback over the flash and tie down with 3-4 solid thread wraps. As you trim the excess you can leave just a bit of material to emulate a tail. Cut a small V to add realism and to make access to the hook eye just a little easier when tying on the fly.
Step 13:  Now we will wrap our ribbing wire in 4 to 5 evenly spaced wraps to the hook eye. Tie down and trim the excess wire. Making sure you don't crowd the tail and hook eye make a neat thread collar, add two whip finishes and trim the thread. Cover the thread wraps with Loon Hard Head or cement of your choice. You are now prepared to catch some of those cynical fish who have seen one too many size 18s or just flat out put on a clinic the next time your buddies are tossing worms to sunfish. Thanks for tying along!
Step 14: Top view after wire rib.

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