Is there truly one specific vise that can fill all the needs of a fly tyer? For myself this has been a decades long pursuit. While I have been extremely fortunate in my access to trying different offerings, I've always tied on multiple vises that seemed perfect for either a specific style or size range of flies. While that can definitely work, it is not the most efficient or economically responsible way to pursue a hobby. Just when I had come to terms with being a small grade vise hoarder, the Stonfo Elite vise entered my life.
What happened next was nothing short of a love affair. Never before had I been so happy with the way the jaw cradled the hook securely. The range of hooks the Elite could conquer was seemingly endless. The exquisite engineering offered the smoothest rotation and never once lost hold of a hook or my heart. That is until the Stonfo Transformer strolled into the room. Just as shiny, just as smooth but with the option for interchangeable heads?!! I resisted as much as any stubborn fly tyer can. That resistance was futile. Could the Stonfo Transformer be the ONE?
For myself the answer was and is a resounding Yes! In a matter of 2 seconds I can easily transition between any of the three jaws included with the Transformer. This means the same vise for small dries and nymphs now has the capability to handle any size streamer and even tube flies without moving to a different desk or switching vise platforms. In an imperfect world, the Stonfo Transformer is as close to the perfect vise as I could ever dream. Much better than anything I need or deserve. But isn't that what it's all about? If this fly tying game is my obsession, my passion or my artistic expression, shouldn't there be a machine that shares my desires? In my mind and heart the answer is selfishly ABSOLUTELY! This translates to more productive time spent on the vise which leads to better offerings to the fish I love and bigger smiles at the end of every day. What's in a name? At least for now no other vise smells or feels as sweet.
Direct Link to buy this vise today!
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