Senate Bill 6294, seeks to eliminate the sale of fur products in the State of Washington, we believe it's important to consider the potential negative consequences this bill may have on fly fishermen and the broader outdoor community. The outcome that we are looking for is recognition for the roll our industry plays in this state and our community. We want to be at the table to discuss matters that impact our industry, which reaches much further than the state of Washington.
The impact that we have as fly shops on our community extends further than most realize. We are the next generation of stewards and caretakers of the lands and waters we enjoy. We pride ourselves on ethical sourcing of everything we use, and consume. We are active in our communities and inspire others each and everyday to be involved and lead the way in matters of conservation and good. Yet like this bill everything we do is constantly overlooked. We are not invited to be apart of the process and as an industry we simply cannot wait.
When you shop at Spawn Fly Fish know that we are fighting for every single angler on and off the water.
Craig Ottavelli:
Submitted the following to my legislators:
Opposition to Senate Bill 6294 – Impact on Fly Fishing Community and Outdoor Industry
The proposed Senate Bill 6294, aiming to ban the sale of fur products in Washington State, overlooks the significant contributions and ethical practices of the fly fishing community and broader outdoor industry. As avid supporters of environmental stewardship and responsible wildlife management, we, the members of the fly fishing community, express our strong opposition to this bill.
Ethical Sourcing Practices: The fly fishing industry primarily relies on fur materials sourced ethically, adhering to strict standards of animal welfare and sustainable practices. These materials are essential for crafting high-quality fishing flies, a cornerstone of our sport and tradition.
Economic Impact: This bill fails to recognize the economic contributions of fly shops and related businesses in Washington. These establishments not only provide livelihoods but also contribute to the state’s tourism and outdoor recreation economy.
Conservation and Stewardship: As stewards of natural resources, we actively engage in conservation efforts and environmental education. Our industry fosters a deep appreciation for nature, encouraging responsible use and preservation of our waterways and wildlife.
Community Engagement and Education: Fly shops and anglers play a vital role in community engagement. We educate others about responsible fishing practices, conservation, and the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems.
Request for Inclusion in Legislative Process: The lack of consultation with our industry in the drafting of this bill is concerning. We urge lawmakers to involve us in discussions, recognizing the unique perspective and expertise we bring to wildlife and environmental issues.
Broader Impacts Beyond State Borders: The implications of this bill extend beyond Washington, potentially setting a precedent that affects the fly fishing industry nationwide. It’s crucial to consider these broader ramifications.
Seeking a Balanced Approach: While we understand and support efforts to prevent animal cruelty and promote sustainable practices, a blanket ban on fur products is an oversimplified solution to a complex issue. We advocate for a more nuanced approach that considers the specific needs and practices of different industries, including ours.
In conclusion, Senate Bill 6294, in its current form, overlooks the ethical, economic, and educational contributions of the fly fishing community. We respectfully request a reconsideration of this bill, advocating for a more inclusive and balanced approach that acknowledges the role and practices of our industry.
Thank you for your opposition to this bill.
Oct 03, 2024
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