What is a Surpluss Steelhead and Where does it come from?

In recent times, local anglers have had something to cheer about as the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) initiated an innovative program to stock hatchery surplus winter steelhead into our local lakes. These surplus steelhead, who have already made the journey back to hatchery programs, are now finding a new purpose, offering anglers a thrilling opportunity.

The Lifecycle of Hatchery Surplus Steelhead

Before we delve into this exciting program, let's take a moment to understand the lifecycle of these hatchery surplus steelhead. These fish start their journey as tiny fry in a hatchery, raised until they reach smolt size (typically at age 2). At this stage, they are released into rivers and streams, where they embark on their migratory journey to the ocean. Steelhead spend a significant portion of their lives (one to three additional years) in the saltwater before returning to their natal rivers to spawn.  

However, the surplus steelhead being stocked into our local lakes are no longer needed for hatchery programs. The WDFW recognized the opportunity to repurpose these fish to create additional angling opportunities while also addressing concerns about their impact on native steelhead populations.

Once surplus steelhead reach hatcheries, the WDFW has a vested interest in ensuring that they do not continue upstream and potentially spawn with natural origin (native) steelhead. WDFW has worked to mitigate the potential impacts of hatchery fish spawning naturally by integrating their hatchery programs with natural origin fish.  The intent is to collect as many of the returning hatchery fish as possible but if/when a hatchery fish does spawn with a wild fish the population impacts are lower. This action is crucial to safeguard the genetic integrity of native steelhead populations and protect the delicate balance of our aquatic ecosystems.

Why Our Local Lakes?

The WDFW identified Black Lake and Radar Ponds as ideal locations for stocking these surplus steelhead. What makes these choices particularly prudent is that they are not connected to waterways leading to other systems containing native steelhead or other anadromous fish. Therefore, stocking these lakes with surplus steelhead not only provides local anglers with exciting new fishing opportunities but also ensures that the surplus fish won't impact native populations.

A Win-Win Opportunity

This innovative program represents a win-win scenario. Anglers in our community can now enjoy the thrill of targeting steelhead in local lakes, an experience that was once reserved for the river. Moreover, the absence of native anadromous fish in these lakes means that surplus steelhead can thrive without ecological conflicts.

Additionally, it's worth noting that stocking lakes with fish is not without cost, but the stocking of surplus steelhead lies outside the regular expenses of stocking trout. It's an added benefit that enhances our local fishing experience without additional financial burden.

The hatchery surplus steelhead program is a fantastic opportunity for both anglers and the environment. By redirecting these surplus fish into our local lakes, the WDFW has created a second chance for them to contribute to our community, providing anglers with thrilling opportunities!

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NEW Easy Shrimp Eyes: Adding Realism and Pop to Your Fly Patterns

NEW Easy Shrimp Eyes: Adding Realism and Pop to Your Fly Patterns

Are you looking to take your fly tying skills to the next level in the EASYiest way? Want to create patterns that fish simply can't resist? Look no further than the added touch of Easy Shrimp Eyes! These realistic and "eye-catching" fly tying materials have been a favorite among anglers for years, and now they're back with even more options to choose from.

The Versatile Easy Shrimp Eyes

Easy Shrimp Eyes have long been known for their ability to add a touch of realism and that extra pop to your fly patterns. Whether you're tying shrimp or crawdad patterns or any other fly that requires standout eyes, Easy Shrimp Eyes are your go-to solution.

Historically, the classic black Easy Shrimp Eyes have been a staple in the fly tying community. Their striking appearance and lifelike design have made them a favorite for attracting fish in a variety of water conditions. But now, the game has changed with the introduction of three stunning new colors: Transparent Smoke Grey, Transparent Midnight Purple, and Fluorescent Electric Yellow.


The Allure of Transparent Smoke Grey

Among these new colors, Transparent Smoke Grey stands out as one of the most exciting additions to the Easy Shrimp Eyes lineup. The smokey clear look of these eyes is simply fantastic. They add a level of realism and intrigue to your fly patterns that fish can't resist. But that's not all – with a simple dab of black resin on the tip, you can create a lifelike pupil that will make your fly even more enticing to hungry fish.

Your One-Stop Shop for Easy Shrimp Eyes

When it comes to Easy Shrimp Eyes, Spawn Fly Fish is your ultimate fly shop. We offer every options to suit your fly tying needs, from the classic black eyes to the new and exciting Transparent Smoke Grey, Transparent Midnight Purple, and Fluorescent Electric Yellow. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive the best materials for your fly patterns.

If you're looking to add realism and that eye-catching "pop" to your fly patterns, Easy Shrimp Eyes are the way to go. With the new colors and their dedication to quality, Spawn Fly Fish is your trusted source for all things Easy Shrimp Eyes. Get ready for an exciting fishing season with flies that fish won't be able to resist. Order them here today!

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Opposition to Senate Bill 6294 - Impact on Fur Sales for Fly Fishermen

Opposition to Senate Bill 6294 - Impact on Fur Sales for Fly Fishermen

Senate Bill 6294, seeks to eliminate the sale of fur products in the State of Washington, we believe it's important to consider the potential negative consequences this bill may have on fly fishermen and the broader outdoor community. The outcome that we are looking for is recognition for the roll our industry plays in this state and our community. We want to be at the table to discuss matters that impact our industry, which reaches much further than the state of Washington.

The impact that we have as fly shops on our community extends further than most realize. We are the next generation of stewards and caretakers of the lands and waters we enjoy. We pride ourselves on ethical sourcing of everything we use, and consume. We are active in our communities and inspire others each and everyday to be involved and lead the way in matters of conservation and good. Yet like this bill everything we do is constantly overlooked. We are not invited to be apart of the process and as an industry we simply cannot wait.

When you shop at Spawn Fly Fish know that we are fighting for every single angler on and off the water.  

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CONFIRMED Black Lake in Ilwaco, Washington, Stocked with 100 Winter Steelhead

CONFIRMED Black Lake in Ilwaco, Washington, Stocked with 100 Winter Steelhead


Calling all fishing enthusiasts! Black Lake in Ilwaco, Washington, has just received a boost that promises an incredible opportunity for both residents and visitors alike. We have confirmed with WDFW Region 6 Hatchery Operations Manage Rob Allen that the lake has been stocked with a generous supply of 100  steelhead from the Nassell Hatchery, providing an excellent chance for some thrilling stillwater fishing.

Living on the peninsula or just visiting? This is your golden ticket to a unique angling experience. Stillwater fishing, as opposed to river fishing, offers a different and equally exciting opportunity. Black Lake, with its freshly stocked steelhead, is set to become a hotspot for those seeking the joy of fishing in a serene stillwater setting.

Last year, we had the privilege of participating in this fishery. We found that using heavy, jig-oriented flies near deeper sections of the lake was the golden ticket. We fished out of kayaks but this fishery is one that can be accessed from multiple docks and along the shoreline. The combination of the challenging fight from the steelhead and the tranquility of the lake made it an absolute blast for anglers of all levels.

What makes stillwater fishing at Black Lake even more appealing is its resilience to the elements. When the river is blown out due to excess rain, rendering it unfishable, Black Lake remains a viable and exciting fishing destination. Don't let adverse weather conditions dampen your fishing spirits – head to Black Lake for a reliable and enjoyable angling experience.

So, whether you're a seasoned angler looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to dip your toes into the world of fishing, Black Lake is calling. Grab your gear, pack your kayak, and don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to reel in some Winter steelhead.

Additionally just outside of town Radar Lakes were stocked with 25 Steelhead each!

The time is now – get out there and catch one today! Tight lines and happy fishing!

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Love at First Tie- Is There One Perfect Vise for Everyone?

Love at First Tie- Is There One Perfect Vise for Everyone?

Is there truly one specific vise that can fill all the needs of a fly tyer? For myself this has been a decades long pursuit. While I have been extremely fortunate in my access to trying different offerings, I've always tied on multiple vises that seemed perfect for either a specific style or size range of flies. While that can definitely work, it is not the most efficient or economically responsible way to pursue a hobby. Just when I had come to terms with being a small grade vise hoarder, the Stonfo Elite vise entered my life.

What happened next was nothing short of a love affair. Never before had I been so happy with the way the jaw cradled the hook securely. The range of hooks the Elite could conquer was seemingly endless. The exquisite engineering offered the smoothest rotation and never once lost hold of a hook or my heart. That is until the Stonfo Transformer strolled into the room. Just as shiny, just as smooth but with the option for interchangeable heads?!! I resisted as much as any stubborn fly tyer can. That resistance was futile. Could the Stonfo Transformer be the ONE?

For myself the answer was and is a resounding Yes! In a matter of 2 seconds I can easily transition between any of the three jaws included with the Transformer. This means the same vise for small dries and nymphs now has the capability to handle any size streamer and even tube flies without moving to a different desk or switching vise platforms. In an imperfect world, the Stonfo Transformer is as close to the perfect vise as I could ever dream. Much better than anything I need or deserve. But isn't that what it's all about? If this fly tying game is my obsession, my passion or my artistic expression, shouldn't there be a machine that shares my desires? In my mind and heart the answer is selfishly ABSOLUTELY! This translates to more productive time spent on the vise which leads to better offerings to the fish I love and bigger smiles at the end of every day. What's in a name? At least for now no other vise smells or feels as sweet. 

Direct Link to buy this vise today!

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